Collares Espirituales/Spiritual Necklaces

Division Papa Legba o Abre Camino


Materials: White howlite, black tourmaline, and black jasper.
Description: Length: 40.64 cm (16" ), Weight 76 grams (2.7 oz)

Purpose: Clears the head from negative thoughts, removes negativity, and protects against negative energy, this include curses. Prevents being possessed by low vibrational beings.

Uses: For people that meditate is a great tool for focusing and avoiding negative thoughts or wondering. You can consecrate this necklace to Elegua, Papa Legba, or Legba Division.

Shipping: USPS only

Price: $39.99

Division Cementerio (Cemetery Division)

Materials: The necklace has pyrite, black tourmaline, and selenite.

Description:  Length: 45.72 cm (18 inches), weight: 83.2 grams (2.7 oz)

Purpose:    Grounds, protects, and removes negative energies. Allows you to develop your psychic skills or protect you while meditating.

Uses: From a Lucumi perspective, 7 and 9 represents the endless cycle of birth and death. The necklace grounds and protects from the constant up and down allowing you a degree of stability. If you practice Palo, Lucumi, Vodou, Voodoo, or Hoodoo you can consecrate the necklace to Oya, Baron Samedi, San Elias or La Santa Muerte.

Shipping:    USPS only

Price: $49.99

7 Potencias Reforzado

Materials: White howlite, lava rock, yellow opal, red jasper, ruby agate, blue agate, sodalite, and Zoisite. 

Description: Weight: 87 grams (3 oz)  Lenght: 44.45 cm (17.5").

Purpose:   Helps clearing the mind and staying focus. Protects from negativity, and makes the bearer to enjoy life while being assertive and proactive. Excellent for depression, and people that are introverted.

Use: The necklace represents Obatala, Elegua, Ogun, Ochosi, Yemaya, Ochun, Oya, and Chango. It warns and alerts. A broken bead means that an orisha has diverted a problem but you should leave the area you are and consult your padrino or the oracle. If the necklace's thread brakes, it is an alert and you should desists of what you are doing, going to, associating with... Excellent instrument for warning and protecting. I use it and it has helped.

Shipping:      USPS only

Price: $59.99

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